Library Marketing plan Workshop
& Mini-Grant Opportunity
Important Update
Thank-you to all of the libraries that submitted applications for the mini-grant. The Library Marketing Grant recipients have been chosen. We had almost 70 applications, which exceeded our expectations. This was a highly competitive process.
Here is the list of recipients:
- Amery Area Public Library
- Baldwin Public Library
- Clinton Public Library
- DeSoto Public Library
- E.D. Locke Public Library (McFarland)
- Fond du Lac Public Library
- Kaukauna Public Library
- LaCrosse County Library
- Lake Geneva Public Library
- Menomonee Falls Public Library
- Mercer Public Library
- Mukwonago Community Library
- Oscar Grady Public Library (Saukville)
- Rhinelander Area District Library
- Verona Public Library
If your library would like to create and implement a marketing plan, or if you have a service, product, or collection you want to promote, there is a competitive, statewide mini-grant opportunity now available! Any public library in Wisconsin is eligible to submit a mini-grant proposal to develop and implement a marketing plan for their library. The libraries selected will be awarded $1,000 toward their plan.
The project should be tied to identified needs that your library can implement in the short-term. Libraries of all sizes are encouraged to apply.
To ensure the success of each marketing plan, grant recipients will attend an online workshop on November 12, led by national library marketing experts Kathy Dempsey and Angela Hursh. In addition, grant recipients will receive individual consultations in early 2022 with Kathy Dempsey and will be assigned a system marketing cohort member as a resource throughout the process.
Important Dates
May 2, 2022
Consultations with Kathy Dempsey completed.
May 16, 2022
Funds spent and reimbursement forms/receipts turned in.
May 31, 2022
Library final report submitted.
Online Workshop Details
9:30 - 11:30 AM | Creating a Library Marketing Plan
11:30 - 12 PM | Lunch Break
12 - 12:30 PM | Mini-Grant Process
12:30 - 1:30 PM | Thoughts, Tips and Questions with Angela Hursh, Senior Engagement Consultant, NoveList
- Discover the importance of a library marketing plan and why it can save the library time and money.
- Create a marketing plan calendar and budget.
- Learn how to deal with barriers and challenges in developing a marketing plan.
- Find inspiration and gain confidence to put your marketing plans into motion.
This online workshop is worth 3 contact hours for public library certification.
Online Workshop Speakers

Kathy Dempsey
Kathy Dempsey wrote the popular how-to book The Accidental Library Marketer and founded her own marketing consultancy, Libraries Are Essential. Her work is dedicated to helping librarians and information professionals promote their value and expertise in order to gain respect and funding. Kathy has been the Editor of Marketing Library Services newsletter for 27 years, and was formerly Editor-in-Chief of Computers in Libraries magazine. She was Founding Chair of the Library Marketing and Communications Conference in 2015.

Angela Hursh
Angela Hursh helps libraries create effective and engaging ways to market their library, both at her job with NoveList and as author of the blog and host of the YouTube series The Library Marketing Show. Before her job at NoveList, she led the content marketing team for the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. She also has nearly 20 years’ experience as an Emmy-award winning broadcast TV journalist.
Marketing Plan Template

Based on Kathy Dempsey’s “Cycle of True Marketing,” a state-wide public library system marketing cohort has drafted a marketing plan template that any library of any size can model and adapt.
Marketing Plan Template Overview

A recorded overview of the contents of the marketing plan template presented by Jamie Matczak and Mark Ibach from the public library system marketing cohort.
Ideas for a marketing plan could include:
- Marketing a specific collection, like Spanish language materials or digital collections
- Developing an outreach event
- Marketing a specific library service, like tech appointments or home delivery
- Marketing materials or services geared toward a particular audience, like job seekers

Funds can be spent on a variety of things related to the project, including but not limited to:
- Outreach materials and equipment
- Translation services
- Printing costs
- Digital marketing
- Website design and services
- Compensation for staff time on the plan
‘The Library Marketing Plan Workshop and Mini-Grant Opportunity” is led by members of the Public Library System Marketing Cohort, and supported by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Public Library Development Team, with funding support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.